
Whats Happening?

CRC social

CRC Social is an opportunity to connect with some CRC staff and other people who are newer to our church as we enjoy good food and fellowship and learn more about Christian Renewal Church. Please email us if you are interested in attending our next CRC Social.


Foundational Truths

These classes will focus on some of the basic doctrines of the church and will help us remember that what we believe makes a big difference.  A. W. Tozer said, "What comes into your mind when you think about God is the most important thing about you."  For some, this may be the first time to study these Christian doctrines; for others it will be a review.  But for all of us it will be an opportunity to strengthen our spiritual foundation as well as build meaningful relationships in the group.  Please email us if you are interested in joining our next round of classes.

Get Started